Hybrid Bridge
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HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool Class Reference

Contains a list of all registered instances and their identical identification string More...

Static Public Member Functions

static string GetInstanceId< T > (T instance)
 Returns the instance identification string for the passed instance More...
static object GetInstance (string instanceId)
 Returns the registered instance for the provide instance identification string More...
static T GetInstance< T > (string instanceId)
 Returns the registered instance for the provide instance identification string More...
static bool IsInstanceInPool< T > (T instance)
 Goes through all registered instances to find the passed instance More...
static bool IsInPool (string instanceId)
 Goes through all registered instances to find the instance marching the passed instance identification string More...
static void AddInstance< T > (T instance)
 Adds a new instance to the pool More...
static bool RemoveInstance< T > (T instance)
 Removes an instance from the pool More...

Detailed Description

Contains a list of all registered instances and their identical identification string

Definition at line 11 of file GlobalPool.cs.

Member Function Documentation

static void HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.AddInstance< T > ( instance)

Adds a new instance to the pool

instanceThe instance to add
Template Parameters
TThe type of the instance
Type Constraints
T :class 

Definition at line 89 of file GlobalPool.cs.

static object HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.GetInstance ( string  instanceId)

Returns the registered instance for the provide instance identification string

instanceIdThe instance identification string
Returns the instance that matched the instance identification string

Definition at line 35 of file GlobalPool.cs.

static T HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.GetInstance< T > ( string  instanceId)

Returns the registered instance for the provide instance identification string

instanceIdThe instance identification string
Template Parameters
TThe type of the instance
Returns the instance that matched the instance identification string
Type Constraints
T :class 

Definition at line 49 of file GlobalPool.cs.

static string HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.GetInstanceId< T > ( instance)

Returns the instance identification string for the passed instance

instanceThe instance to search for
Template Parameters
TThe type of the instance
Returns the identification string of the passed instance
Type Constraints
T :class 

Definition at line 22 of file GlobalPool.cs.

static bool HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.IsInPool ( string  instanceId)

Goes through all registered instances to find the instance marching the passed instance identification string

instanceIdThe instance identification string to search for
if the passed instance identification string was in list, otherwise

Definition at line 76 of file GlobalPool.cs.

static bool HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.IsInstanceInPool< T > ( instance)

Goes through all registered instances to find the passed instance

instanceThe instance to search for
Template Parameters
TThe type of the instance
if the passed instance was in list, otherwise
Type Constraints
T :class 

Definition at line 60 of file GlobalPool.cs.

static bool HybridBridge.InstancePool.GlobalPool.RemoveInstance< T > ( instance)

Removes an instance from the pool

instanceThe instance to remove
Template Parameters
TThe type of the instance
if the instance was in the pool and removed, otherwise
Type Constraints
T :class 

Definition at line 114 of file GlobalPool.cs.

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