Hybrid Bridge
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CJavascriptMessageEventArgsThe event arguments used by the JavascriptMessageEvent delegate
 CWebViewHybridBridgeWebViewHybridBridge is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for android WebView object.
 CAndroidWebChromeClientThe class to handle WebView chrome specific events
 CAndroidWebViewClientThe class to handle WebView events
 CJavascriptCallbackRepresenting a Javascript result callback
 CHybridBridgeExceptionRepresent errors that occurs during HybridBridge code execution
 CInvalidGenericTypeExceptionRepresent errors that occurs when fails to cast an object to a Type
 CRedundantHandlerExceptionRepresent an error that occurs for adding two identical handler to a BridgeController
 CHttpValueRepresenting a query string key, value pair
 CHttpValueCollectionA readonly collection of the query string key, value pairs
 CGlobalPoolContains a list of all registered instances and their identical identification string
 CInstanceDictionaryRepresents a generic dictionary of instances to be registered on the GlobalPool and their values
 CInstanceListRepresents a list of objects to be registered on GlobalPool
 CUIWebViewHybridBridgeUIWebViewHybridBridge is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for iOS UIWebView object.
 CHybridUrlProtocolCustom implementation of the NSUrlProtocol class for capturing Application-Wide web requests
 CUriToAppDataResolverA simple implementation of IUriToStreamResolver interface that search for files in ms-appdata directory
 CUriToAppxResolverA simple implementation of IUriToStreamResolver interface that search for files in ms-appx directory
 CWebViewHybridBridgeWebViewHybridBridge is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for Windows WebView object.
 CUriToHybridResolverIUriToStreamResolver compatible class responsible for handling hybrid requests
 CWebViewHybridServerWebViewHybridServer is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for Windows WebView object managing a local http server for two way commication with the WebView object.
 CHybridBridgeLocalServerLocalWebServer is an abstract class providing HTTP local server capacity and containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances
 CWebBrowserHybridServerWebBrowserHybridServer is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for WPF WebBrowser control.
 CWebBrowserHybridServerWebBrowserHybridServer is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for WinForm WebBrowser control.
 CUriToAppDataResolverA simple implementation of IUriToStreamResolver interface that search for files in ms-appdata directory
 CUriToAppxResolverA simple implementation of IUriToStreamResolver interface that search for files in ms-appx directory
 CWebViewHybridBridgeWebViewHybridBridge is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for Windows WebView object.
 CUriToHybridResolverIUriToStreamResolver compatible class responsible for handling hybrid requests
 CWebViewHybridServerWebViewHybridServer is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for Windows WebView object managing a local http server for two way commication with the WebView object.
 CBridgeControllerBridgeController is an abstract class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances. This class should be extended for different environments.
 CClassBridgeA generic handler to be used to make C# classes accessible from the Javascript side
 CEnumBridgeA generic handler to be used to make C# enumerable types accessible from the Javascript side
 CFireJavascriptEventArgsThe event arguments used by the PushJavascriptEvent delegate for codes expecting no result at all
 CHybridMessagingHandlerA class for event driven communicate with Javascript side
 CProxyClassThe class to be reflected on Javascript side
 CIBridgeHandlerInterface that needs to be implemented by handlers to be understandable by the holding BridgeController
 CPushJavascriptEventArgsThe event arguments used by the PushJavascriptEvent delegate