Hybrid Bridge
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HybridBridge.IBridgeHandler Interface Reference

Interface that needs to be implemented by handlers to be understandable by the holding BridgeController More...

Inheritance diagram for HybridBridge.IBridgeHandler:
HybridBridge.ClassBridge< T > HybridBridge.EnumBridge< T > HybridBridge.HybridMessagingHandler

Public Member Functions

object InterceptRequest (string method, Dictionary< string, object > parameters, out bool hasResult)
 Handles the passed request and returns the result More...
bool ShouldInterceptRequest (string handler, string method)
 Checks the request and returns true if this request can be handled by this handler More...
void Initialize (BridgeController bridge)
 Initialize the handler and generates the needed Javascript code More...


PushJavascriptEvent PushJavascript
 Event that gets raised when handler needs to push some Javascript code More...

Detailed Description

Interface that needs to be implemented by handlers to be understandable by the holding BridgeController

Definition at line 9 of file IBridgeHandler.cs.

Member Function Documentation

void HybridBridge.IBridgeHandler.Initialize ( BridgeController  bridge)

Initialize the handler and generates the needed Javascript code

bridgeThe BridgeController object requesting initialization

Implemented in HybridBridge.ClassBridge< T >, HybridBridge.EnumBridge< T >, and HybridBridge.HybridMessagingHandler.

object HybridBridge.IBridgeHandler.InterceptRequest ( string  method,
Dictionary< string, object >  parameters,
out bool  hasResult 

Handles the passed request and returns the result

methodThe method name to handle
parametersThe method parameters
hasResultA boolean value indicting if the handling process resulted in a value
Returns the value that created from the handling of the request

Implemented in HybridBridge.ClassBridge< T >, HybridBridge.EnumBridge< T >, and HybridBridge.HybridMessagingHandler.

bool HybridBridge.IBridgeHandler.ShouldInterceptRequest ( string  handler,
string  method 

Checks the request and returns true if this request can be handled by this handler

handlerThe name of requested handler
methodThe method name to handle
true, if this handler can handle this request, false otherwise

Implemented in HybridBridge.ClassBridge< T >, HybridBridge.EnumBridge< T >, and HybridBridge.HybridMessagingHandler.

Event Documentation

PushJavascriptEvent HybridBridge.IBridgeHandler.PushJavascript

Event that gets raised when handler needs to push some Javascript code

Definition at line 37 of file IBridgeHandler.cs.

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