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HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge Class Reference

WebViewHybridBridge is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for android WebView object. More...

Inheritance diagram for HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge:


class  AndroidWebChromeClient
 The class to handle WebView chrome specific events More...
class  AndroidWebViewClient
 The class to handle WebView events More...
class  JavascriptCallback
 Representing a Javascript result callback More...

Public Member Functions

delegate void JavascriptMessageEvent (object sender, JavascriptMessageEventArgs eventArgs)
 The delegate for JavascriptMessage event More...
 WebViewHybridBridge (WebView webView, string customProtocol, IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler > collection)
 Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView with the provided string as the custom url protocol and passed collection of IBridgeHandler instances More...
 WebViewHybridBridge (WebView webView, string customProtocol)
 Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView with the provided string as the custom url protocol More...
 WebViewHybridBridge (WebView webView, IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler > collection)
 Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView with passed collection of IBridgeHandler instances More...
 WebViewHybridBridge (WebView webView)
 Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView More...
override void ExecuteJavascript (string jsCode, Action< object > result)
 Executes a Javascript string and calls the passed callback for result More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from HybridBridge.BridgeController
virtual IEnumerator< IBridgeHandlerGetEnumerator ()
 Returns the IEnumerator object for this class More...
void Add (IBridgeHandler item)
 Adds a new IBridgeHandler object to the list More...
void Clear ()
 Clears the list by removing all registered IBridgeHandler objects More...
virtual bool Contains (IBridgeHandler item)
 Goes through the list of registered IBridgeHandler objects and checks for existing of the passed instance More...
virtual void CopyTo (IBridgeHandler[] array, int arrayIndex)
 Copies the list of registered IBridgeHandler object to an array More...
bool Remove (IBridgeHandler item)
 Removes the passed instance of IBridgeHandler from the list of the registered handlers More...
virtual int IndexOf (IBridgeHandler item)
 Returns the index of the passed IBridgeHandler instance in the list More...
virtual void Insert (int index, IBridgeHandler item)
 Inserts and registers the passed instance of IBridgeHandler More...
virtual void RemoveAt (int index)
 Removed a IBridgeHandler instance at the specific index More...
virtual T Get< T > ()
 Returns a registered IBridgeHandler by type More...
virtual IBridgeHandler Get (Type type)
 Returns a registered IBridgeHandler by type More...
virtual object ExecuteJavascript (string jsCode)
 Executes a Javascript string and returns the result More...
virtual void FireJavascript (string jsCode)
 Fires a Javascript string More...
virtual object CallJavascriptFunction (string methodName, params object[] arguments)
 Calls a Javascript method with the provided arguments and return the result More...
virtual void CallJavascriptAction (string methodName, params object[] arguments)
 Calls a Javascript method with the provided arguments and return the result More...
void AddRange (IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler > collection)
 Adds a list of IBridgeHandler instances to the list More...


WebView WebView [get]
 The WebView to handle requests from More...
- Properties inherited from HybridBridge.BridgeController
virtual TimeSpan JavascriptTimeout [get, set]
 Sets or gets the time that we should wait for the result of any Javascript invocation, this value doesn't applies to callbacks More...
string Protocol = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3) [get, protected set]
 The protocol to use for communication with web browser More...
virtual IBridgeHandler this[int index] [get, set]
 Set or get an IBridgeHandler instance by index More...


JavascriptMessageEvent JavascriptMessage
 The event that gets raised when a new Javascript message is logged More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from HybridBridge.BridgeController
virtual int Count => Handlers.Count
 Returns the number of registered IBridgeHandler objects More...
virtual bool IsReadOnly => false
 Indicates if the list is read only More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from HybridBridge.BridgeController
 BridgeController (string customProtocol, IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler > collection)
 Creates a new instance of BridgeController class More...
 BridgeController (string customProtocol)
 Creates a new instance of BridgeController class More...
 BridgeController (IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler > collection)
 Creates a new instance of BridgeController class More...
 BridgeController ()
 Creates a new instance of BridgeController class More...
virtual string NormalizeCustomProtocol (string customProtocol=null)
 Makes sure that the passed custom protocol is acceptable and makes the necessarily changes More...
virtual void Initialize ()
 Executes the BridgeController javascript code More...
virtual bool HandleRequestUrl (string url)
 Handles a request and leaves the result behind More...
virtual bool HandleRequestUrl (string url, out bool hasResult, out object result)
 Handles a request More...
virtual void PushJavascript ()
 Generated the Javascript code for the BridgeController class as well as all the registered handlers More...
virtual object BridgeHandler_PushJavascript (IBridgeHandler sender, PushJavascriptEventArgs eventArgs)
 Passes Javascript requests from the IBridgeHandler instances to the browser More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from HybridBridge.BridgeController
readonly List< IBridgeHandlerHandlers = new List<IBridgeHandler>()
 The underlying list of IBridgeHandler instances More...

Detailed Description

WebViewHybridBridge is a class containing a list of registered IBridgeHandler instances for android WebView object.

Definition at line 17 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.WebViewHybridBridge ( WebView  webView,
string  customProtocol,
IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler collection 

Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView with the provided string as the custom url protocol and passed collection of IBridgeHandler instances

webViewThe WebView to handle requests from
customProtocolThe protocol to use for communication with web browser, or to use defualt
collectionThe collection of IBridgeHandler instances to add to this list

Definition at line 37 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.WebViewHybridBridge ( WebView  webView,
string  customProtocol 

Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView with the provided string as the custom url protocol

webViewThe WebView to handle requests from
customProtocolThe protocol to use for communication with web browser, or to use defualt

Definition at line 57 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.WebViewHybridBridge ( WebView  webView,
IEnumerable< IBridgeHandler collection 

Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView with passed collection of IBridgeHandler instances

webViewThe WebView to handle requests from
collectionThe collection of IBridgeHandler instances to add to this list

Definition at line 67 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.WebViewHybridBridge ( WebView  webView)

Creates a new instance of this class for the provided WebView

webViewThe WebView to handle requests from

Definition at line 76 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

Member Function Documentation

override void HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.ExecuteJavascript ( string  jsCode,
Action< object >  result 

Executes a Javascript string and calls the passed callback for result

jsCodeThe code to execute
resultThe callback to be called with the result of the execution

Reimplemented from HybridBridge.BridgeController.

Definition at line 95 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

delegate void HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.JavascriptMessageEvent ( object  sender,
JavascriptMessageEventArgs  eventArgs 

The delegate for JavascriptMessage event

senderThe event raiser
eventArgsThe event arguments

Property Documentation

WebView HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.WebView

The WebView to handle requests from

Definition at line 83 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

Event Documentation

JavascriptMessageEvent HybridBridge.Android.WebViewHybridBridge.JavascriptMessage

The event that gets raised when a new Javascript message is logged

Definition at line 88 of file WebViewHybridBridge.cs.

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